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WoW 2014 >>> The Big Reveal!

As a designer entering in the World of Wearableart you have two great big waits.

Entries must be uploaded by the cut off date at the start of April. A quick week goes by before you learn your fate. You are either unsuccessful and keep your entry, or you’re in the next round of judging so you ship it to Nelson in New Zealand. This is the start of the first wait. The results are sent mid July. It’s a good 3 months until you receive the notification on whether your entry will be in the WoW show or not.

The second and bigger, longer wait is until the completion of the Awards Show ceremony at the end of September. It’s another 2 and half months later ( 5 and half all up) before Designers can publicly share their creations with the world. An it is not a moment before the Awards show has completed with prizes and announcements issued. At the post-show supper aka party an “official” announcement was made, “Designers! You can now share your images!”.

Wow-waiting flow chart

It is with great anticipation and pride that I can finally reveal my two entries in the 2014 World of Wearableart. I have tinkered with the images which I used to enter the competition. I am very, very grateful to my friend Ben Nichols for capturing the stunning photos. And to my equally stunning friend Rocky Reed for agreeing to model my crochet brain eating zombie bra.

Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you

Section: BIZARRE BRA :: Title: BRA_AAAAINSBra-aaains, Bizarre Bra, zombieBra-aaains, Bizarre Bra, ZombieSection: CHILDREN – one colour :: Title: HOBART THE WHITE

WoW, Crochet Yeti

WoW, Crochet Yeti


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