I am very sorry. I have have been a naughty member of the in.cube8r gallery community in 2018. As I have spent the first seven months of this year completely engrossed in my major project pieces, I have entirely neglected my cube space. I'm lucky that I had replenished it mightly and that there has been a reasonable supply to make a display. Big thank you to Elle-May and Clairebear for helping to make my cube look its best and for being so understanding with my distraction. I have time to get back into my favourite mode: making my little creepies. The first mission: beer cosys!! I'm a tad rusty and needed to refer to my pattern notes to get the ball rolling again. I will get a bunch together and ship them pronto. I'm concerned about the shipping process though. I have had such terrible luck with packages being delayed en route to Fitzroy. I'll have to pay attention to which method to use this time. Best I cease this typing business for now though. I have hooking to do!